Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Funny VIII - In D

Today's funny is a clip I saw while attending the symphony last weekend. They had a big screen above the orchestra and the conductor was introducing each piece with a little history or information. Then he'd show a video he found during his research. For the "Barber of Seville" he played some Bugs Bunny. For Pachelbel's Canon, he played this.

I've also got a couple of bonus clips this week because he showed us some other cool Pachelbel videos to further point to its pervasiveness.

Here's a rock guitar melange of Pachelbel:

How about hip hop? Here's a Korean version complete with dancing.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Funny VII - Seven Easy Funnies

Mario vs. Master Chief. Wonder who wins.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Funny VI - Six Funnies Laying

I haven't blogged much since starting the new job. I'll try an update this weekend. I may even have a new Karma story!!! Meantime, here is an animated history of popular net phenomena. How many do you recognize? I got about half.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday Funny V - The Funny Strikes Back

Here is a clip from a comedy troupe that I enjoyed, though they never made it big. They had one Comedy Central special and then faded away.